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Classroom Policies and Grading Procedures

Elementary Classroom Policy & Rule Sheet

This sheet is to inform both the student and the parents of the proper policies & procedures needed for academic success in my classroom.

Class Rules:

            1. Be on time and prepared for class.

            2. Be polite, courteous & respectful at all times

            3. Complete ALL assignments on time.

            4. Leave your seat only with teacher permission.

            5. NO eating, drinking or chewing gum.

            6. Obey all RISD school rules.

Class Consequences:

  1. Verbal warning
  2.  Action plan completed with Mrs. Mitchell and signed by a parent.
  3.  Phone call home
  4.  Before school or lunch detention


Grading Procedures:

1. Daily grades are made up of quizzes & homework

2. Major grades (tests) will be given at the end of each unit (Chapter) of study.      

3.  Redo’s will be for mastery of content and will be averaged with the original grade at teacher discretion.


Accelerated Reading and Accelerated Math:

  1. Accelerated Reading goal for each six weeks is 12 points for an end goal of 72 points.
  2. Accelerated Math goal is 10 objectives for the first six weeks and increasing for an end goal of 100 objectives or points.
  3. To participate in the end of the year reward they must have met the goal for the year.

Absences, Make-up work & Class Work:

1. If you are absent for ANY reason you must see me on the day you return for your make up work.

2. You will have ONE day to return your make up work to me. (I may or may not allow extra days for turning in makeup work depending on circumstances.)

3. All class work that is not completed the day given becomes homework and is due at the beginning of class before I check attendance the very next day of class. If homework is turned in any time after I check attendance then it is considered late and is worth only 70pts. After that all late work is worth only 50pts.

I am looking forward to seeing you in my classroom. Please be prepared for class every day, and be prepared to work hard. Please be attentive, polite and respectful to your classmates, your teacher, and yourself. If you do this and follow the above-mentioned rules & procedures, you will have fun & be successful. If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at (936) 851-2364 ext. 2318


Please sign and return the bottom portion by 9/02/2018. I have read and understand the Elementary  Classroom Policy & Rule Sheet.


Student Signature________________________       Period ________         Date _______


Parent Signature _________________________



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